Freedom Passport
The Freedom Passport is the must-have for 2021 – and the rest of your life! Keep a record of your Covid fear status (such as those dodgy test results and fast-tracked vaccinations) in this handy booklet, and use it to reclaim the freedoms lost by the temporarily permanent restrictions.
This passport, aka immunity or health passport, will facilitate the shiny new-normality. It is not mandatory, but life will be pretty drab without it. Benefits include the right to board an airplane, sing at football games, shake hands with strangers and attend funerals! Antibody elites can also get 20% discount on Amazon and front row tickets to concerts.
Developed by MiniLuv to greatly reset your world, the passport complies to international standards Common Pass® and SDG 16.9. Available from all good technocracies, whilst stocks last. Forever. Don’t leave home without it.
- Dimensions = 125 × 88 mm.
- Handcrafted Leather Cover.
“A new health surveillance infrastructure that endangers privacy rights”
– The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU)“I can certainly see social venues asking for vaccination certificates.”
– Tom Tugendhat MP, UK“By 2030, provide legal identity for all, including birth registration”.
– Digital Identity, SDG 16.9 / The United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE)“Once immunity passports have been created their use could be expanded, resulting in people who don’t have immunity potentially being blocked from essential public services, work or housing – setting a dangerous precedent, with the most marginalised among us hardest hit.”
– Sam Grant, Liberty“I certainly am not planning to issue any vaccine passports, and I don’t know anyone else in government who would.”
– Michael Gove, Minister for the Cabinet Office, UK“You can imagine a situation where if you can get hold of some sort of certification, it will open up doors for you that wouldn't be open to people who can't have that certification.”
– Prof. Robert West, University College London“Passengers will need to prove they are not infected.”
– Jean Castex, Prime Minister, France“Everyone should be tested for coronavirus every month to give people ‘freedom passes’ to resume everyday activities.”
– Jeremy Hunt MP, UK“Brits to be given special ‘freedom passes’ to live a normal life – if they have two Covid negative tests in a WEEK.”
– UK Gov“COVID-19 Vaccination Certificates which prove who got the Covid-19 injection are ‘under consideration’ by the government.”
– Stephen Donnelly, Minister of Health, Ireland“For global travel and trade to return to pre-pandemic levels, travelers will need a secure and verifiable way to document their health status as they travel and cross borders.”
– The Commons Project (together with The World Economic Forum)“That would be discrimination. It would be ‘vaccinationism’.”
– Sir Desmond Swayne MP, UK“To require someone to show some type of proof of vaccination is completely unacceptable. It’s not something we are going to support here in any way.”
– Gov. Ron DeSantis, Governor of Florida (March 19, 2021)