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A substantial number of people still do not feel sufficiently personally threatened… The perceived level of personal threat needs to be increased among those who are complacent, using hard-hitting emotional messaging.”

Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies (SAGE)


FEAR is here. It beams from our newsfeeds and TVs. It shouts from signs on the street and the warning tape in public spaces. FEAR points from under our feet and hangs over our head.

FEAR is a big number. It’s hourly updates and statistics in bold red type. FEAR compares numbers with other countries, but never with the common flu. It’s a number that goes up to get us down. 

FEAR is inhuman. It doesn’t do hugs, high fives or smiles to strangers. It’s children not being children, and grandparents not being grandparents. FEAR is parties without friends and funerals without mourners.

FEAR is irrational. It’s wearing a face mask in the sunshine. FEAR is freedom to shop, but no school. It’s sitting in an airplane, but not in a theatre.

FEAR masks the truth. It doesn’t do question time. FEAR ostracises anyone with concerns, and calls them conspiracy theorists. FEAR promises a second wave, and a vaccine solution.

FEAR is confusion. It’s not understanding that risk is part of life. It’s a new science that cannot be questioned. FEAR inverts truths and makes us double think.

But what is there to FEAR?

FEAR is hypothetical projections that have not materialised. FEAR rarely says that the whole population is not at risk and that the vast majority of those infected have mild or zero symptoms with a 99.97% survival rate. FEAR never says that the IFR is <0.15% (which is comparable to a bad flu season). FEAR should protect the vulnerable with targeted measures, instead of creating a human catastrophe from the shutdown.

FEAR tells us to put our lives on hold and wait for the solution. Don’t buy it.

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